Tuesday, May 24, 2005


". . .Aarfy was an authority on the subject of true love because he had already fallen truly in love with Nately's father and with the prospect of working for him after the war in some executive capacity as a reward for befriending Nately. Aarfy was a lead navigator who had never been able to find himself since college. He was a genial, magnanimous lead navigator who could always forgive the other men in the squadron for denouncing him furiously each time he got lost on a combat mission and led them over concentrations on antiaircraft fire. He got lost on the streets of Rome that same afternoon and never did find the eligible Red Cross girl from the milk-of-magnesia plant. He got lost on the mission to Ferrera the day Kraft was shot down and killed, and he got lost again on the weekly run to Parma and tried to lead the planes out to sea over the city of Leghorn . . . "

(from Catch-22 by Joseph Heller - passage chosen for Aarfy's similairity to the proprieter of this blog, who got lost inside of a large grocery store)


Blogger fred burgess! said...

I've long since been stopped being sent on important missions though. At least, not as lead navigator. Most of us know better.

7:06 PM  
Blogger fred burgess! said...

This passage was sent by Carl, I'm guessing?

7:33 PM  

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